Thursday, June 2, 2011

HP webOS Veer and Pre3 running webOS 3.0 ? at Computex 2011. Video.

WorldWide Tech & Science. Francisco De Jesús.

This video was made on  the vietnam language  .A translation made by Google translate is  below, in some parts not so clear but give us a clue of what is he talking about. The surprise is that the Pre 3 is running as he said webos 3.0. However these are just test devices..

Hands on HP Veer and Pre 3 

    Surprisingly when I met two great phones are expected to HP is Pre 3 and Veer at Computex 2011 where HP did not attend this exhibition. As expected, Veer is a compact, beautiful and very stylish, while three back to Pre and for those who desire more technology. Veer who are concerned with small keyboards can temporarily forget this thought when they feel on your actions do not differ much with Pre 2. 

    Design, Veer is still using the same style but this time with pebbles ,pebbles is an extremely compact, stylish. Thanks to a button without using the traditional front of Veer which absolutely flat, not any flawless no problems. This will be a very appropriate choice for you like a small, cute but like Pixi slide. 

    HP retains Pre 3 Pre 2's design as before but with much larger sizes to fit 3.7-inch screen. Felt like the sliding of the machine slightly more difficult to push up the Pre 2, similar to how Blackberry 9800 made changes. A difference that you can easily see the Pre 3 is the "silence" was placed on top of the camera instead of the side like before.Pre keyboard has three more, larger and larger distances also Pre 2. 

    Because only a test version that we can not conclude these two products will work out why, but the Pre 2 Pre 3 faster in a certain number of cases. Pre 3 which they hold 3.0 also use WebOS WebOS Veer is still 2.1. If there are any new features worth noting on the WebOS 3.0, namely the operating system to coordinate better with the HP touch pad to create a complete individual activities. This feature does not work, but with what HP performed before, it is worth the wait.

Source: Tinhte

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