Monday, June 6, 2011

HP CEO Leo Apotheker. Create a world where you don´t need to flip devices.

WorldWide Tech & Science. Francisco De Jesús.

At the D9  Althingsdigital event  Walt Mossberg made the following question to Leo Apotheker HP CEO:

"I know you´re still focused on your enterprise customers. It sounds like you´re diverging. People used to say Hp and Dell together a lot. You know sound a lot more like Apple. What´s going on ? This a very different HP.

It should be. We´ll do a bunch of things for consumers and we´ll do a lot of things for enterprises. Our ambition is to create a world where you don´t need to flip devices when you do personal things or work-related things on your devices. All of these things come together.
 Update your contacts once in Outlook and it updates them everywhere else automatically.

All devices  seamlessly connected, smartphones, laptops, netbooks, notebooks, printers etc and updated from one to another. You received a call, a message or you work on office documents on your smartphone but you can answer , recieve  and  view/work word, excel or power points  on your tablet or any actual or future form factor webOS devices.

Source: D9

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