Monday, October 10, 2011

RIM paying $100 million for NewBay, going after "Tap to Share" like webOS functionality?

WorldWide Tech & Science. Francisco De Jesús.

Yes , I think you and  us will not be surprised if RIM is going after the TAP TO SHARE  like webOS functionality, as they did before with webOS multitask, gestures etc on the PLAYBOOK. 

The HP webOS TouchPad TAP TO SHARE functionality with the HP webOS Pre3 and the Veer was  ready to launch via an OTA, however HP decided to stop the production of the mentioned devices.

RIM has announced an acquisition intended to bolster its content delivery capabilities, while also introducing a new content sharing technology powered by NFC. And   it seems likely that it intends using its platform as a way to deliver future BlackBerry-branded cloud services

The Canadian vendor is reportedly paying US$100 million for NewBay, an Irish content delivery platform company which counts T-Mobile, Telefonica O2, Orange, U.S. Cellular, AT&T, Telstra, Verizon and LG Electronics among its customer base.

 RIM also unveiled BlackBerry Tag, to be included in the next version of the BlackBerry platform, which is a content sharing service enabled by the NFC functionality integrated in its latest handsets.

Users will be able to send contact information, documents, URLs, photos and other multimedia content by tapping BlackBerry devices together. It will also enable users to instantly add contacts on BlackBerry Messenger.

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