Saturday, July 16, 2011

Video.Taking Nintendo's Mario up a notch

WorldWide Tech and Science. Francisco DeJesús.

Nintendo says its classic mascot Mario will lead the way this holiday season, as it adapts classic titles to its newest technologies. 

Nintendo's classic mascot Mario is back and gearing up to fight for consumer dollars this holiday season. 

The company is previewing its holiday lineup and Mario remains its brightest star - with two new games for its 3DS handheld. Krysta Yang of Nintendo America: SOUNDBITE: KRYSTA YANG, SPOKESPERSON, NINTENDO AMERICA (ENGLISH) SAYING: "On the Nintendo 3DS, viewers can actually see the game in 3D without the need for special glasses. 

So it's really incredible the amount of depth, the immersiveness of the graphics and just kind of getting lost in the Mario world. So it's really fun to see these classic franchises re-imagined on the new platform with new technology." 

That new technology is also driving new editions of a number of games including Kirby and Starfox. For its Wii console, Nintendo is shaking up its action adventure game Legends of Zelda franchise with The Legend of Zelda : Skyward Sword- which uses the Wii MotionPlus technology. 

And there are some newcomers to the mix as well- Rhythm Heaven - challenges players to complete tasks in sync to musical patterns. JC Rodrigo is in product development for Nintendo: SOUNDBITE: JC RODRIGO, SENIOR PRODUCT MARKETING SPECIALIST, NINTENDO AMERICA (ENGLISH) SAYING: "Nintendo has a way of kind of making like every small moment that you play a game really kind of charming like you'll start to find things that you are going to laugh and giggle about you might be moved, you might be sad one moment, and then you are going to be extremely happy the next." And even though the much anticipated Wii U console isn't coming out until after the holidays, all the games coming out for the holidays will still be compatible with it.

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