Friday, July 8, 2011

Royal couple William and Kate played with the HP webOS TouchPad at London´s Tech City conference.

WorldWide Tech & Science. Francisco De Jesús.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge flew in from Canada to join a conference of venture investors and media executives in Beverly Hills on Friday evening, where the headline topic was how London's new "Tech City" could become a major technology center.

When the panel ended, the couple did a brief lap around the room, inspecting various technologies on display, including the HP TouchPad, on which Prince William Googled "Aston Villa" -- the Birmingham Football Club, to go to the team's home page. 

"I think they enjoyed the demonstration," said Michelle Price of Hewlett-Packard, who had loaded a slide show of the royal couple on the device in advance. "They seemed to like that."

Source: latimes

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