Tuesday, October 18, 2011

PR: HP webOS for the TouchPad, updated to version 3.0.4 77

WorldWide Tech & Science. Francisco De Jesús.

HP webOS 3.0.4 77 is now available, weighing in at 53MB.

Includes improvements to the App Catalog that make it easier to find great TouchPad apps and a new camera app to let you use that 1.3MP front-facing camera for more than just Skype.

HP webOS 3.0.4 makes TouchPad snappier, includes a new camera app, makes it easier to find great TouchPad apps in the App Catalog, and a number of other improvements.

webOS 3.0.4 also makes connectivity with non-HP phones possible and includes improved messaging, UI touch-ups, and enhancements to Enyo. WebKit, and V8 (the webOS JavaScript rendering engine).

Press Release: According to webOS chief Ari Jaaksi's blog.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

No strings attached. Enjoy!

We released a new software release (3.0.4)  for the HP Touchpad a few minutes ago. It gets downloaded over the air and is automatically updated to your devices. As always, no strings attached. Enjoy.

We have a big number of TouchPads out there, and we wanted to continue serving users and developers.  We improved performance, added better support for the camera, made connectivity with non-HP phones possible, improved messaging, touched the UI in many places, etc. Also, we’ve got over 1000 applications available for TouchPad through Application Catalogue.

We have also continued longer term architectural development for webOS. We are working hard around webKit and V8. Those are core engines for the whole webOS. The Enyo framework and developer tools are getting a lot of attention now. We have also some very cool development around UI especially in the area of working with many task simultaneously, and using the table screen even more efficiently. The web development model, strong cloud integration, and a fluid and beautiful UI are the cornerstones of webOS. 

WebOS is a good operating system. I’ve done my own polls lately, too. I can see many TouchPad’s in Starbucks, Peets, and other such places. I often go and ask a user what they think about it. I’m getting very positive feedback! Last week I had my car in a repair shop for maintenance. I was in the waiting room working on my TouchPad when a mechanic came to me to deliver the keys. “Hey, I’ve got a TouchPad, too. I love it!”.

I’m really happy being able to ship this latest release to you. So, go ahead and try it!

P.S. No, I don’t have a tablet for you.
P.P.S. No, I don’t have news about that.

Source: Jaaksi

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